Naloxone is a medication to reverse an opioid overdose.
Naloxone is a prescription medicine that temporarily stops the effect of opioids. This helps a person start to breathe again and wake up from an opioid overdose. Naloxone (the generic name) is also sold under the brand names Narcan® and Evzio®.
only works on opioids; it has no effect on someone who has not taken opioids.
cannot be used to get high and is not addictive.
has a long safety history; adverse side effects are rare.
can be easily and safely administered by laypersons.
How to get Naloxone
Do you know if you or a family member/friend is at risk for overdose? Or if you are someone you know takes prescription or non-prescription opioids for pain, injects, smokes or snorts opioids (including heroin), then there is a risk of overdosing. Naloxone can reverse an overdose and save a life.
Free Naloxone is available at the following locations
Public Health, Healthy Communities department
Eureka Location: Community Wellness Center, 908 7th Street, Eureka CA or by calling 707.268.2132
Garberville Location: 721 Cedar Street, Garberville, CA or by calling 707.923.2779
Humboldt Area Center for Harm Reduction, 5000 Valley West Blvd #17/18 Arcata, CA 95521 or by calling 707.407.6013
If you are unable to get Naloxone from one of the local resources Next Naloxone can provide online training and Naloxone distribution via the mail.
You can also get Naloxone with a prescription from your health care provider
Naloxone Training
If you or your organization is interested in Naloxone Training please contact the Humboldt County Public Health Department at 707.268.2132.
How to administer Naloxone Training Video
Stop Overdose Humboldt is an initiative of the Rx Safe Humboldt Coalition.
For more information contact us at 707.443.4563 ext. 14